This argument does not make much sense, however, in light of the design of the Web services stack and the layers in which SOAP and HTTP are defined. 但是,从Web服务栈和定义SOAP和HTTP的各层的设计来看,这个观点没有多大意义。
The function is called with a Lua state argument; once again, all interaction between C and Lua occurs through the stack of the Lua state. 该函数是借助一个Lua状态参数来调用的;同样,C与Lua之间的所有交互都是通过Lua状态栈发生的。
The argument defines the level of the call stack for which you want to obtain the return address. 这个参数定义希望获取返回地址的调用堆栈级别。
The btp command takes a process ID as an argument and does a stack traceback for that particular process. btp命令将进程标识作为参数,并对这个特定进程进行堆栈回溯。